Hearing loss can be more serious than you think at workplace


Burning your ears on consistent conference calls, forgetting to put your headphones off until dawn while you’re up late watching popular TV, and the huge traffic noise on your commute……


Is the hearing still ok for the young workers?


Many young workers mistakenly believe that only old people suffer from hearing loss. In fact, in recent years, there has been a trend toward younger people with hearing loss.

According to the latest World Hearing Report, about 1.1 billion young people (aged 12-35) are at risk of irreversible hearing loss. With at least 17 percent of adults aged 25-64 experiencing hearing loss.There’s a chance that a colleague or friend in your life already suffers from hearing loss.

Forty-four percent of those with hearing loss in the workplace suspect they are getting old, not realizing it can happen at any age.


About half of young people around the world listen to music on mobile phones and other devices at a volume higher than the safe level. Too high volume on personal audio devices has become the number one cause of hearing loss — KTV in the afternoon, nightclubs at night, headphones on the road… Many young people’s ears are already overloaded!


Young workers should face up to hearing loss and learn about hearing loss


Experts say misunderstanding about hearing loss can only affect life of old people, which can lead many young people to delay treatment. Hope more young people will treat hearing care as they treat vision care.


 Intervention as early as possible to improve work efficiency


Just as wearing glasses is very common to work, hearing AIDS can help many people solve their biggest concerns. After wearing hearing AIDS, 58 percent of employees say they have much less concerns in the workplace, and many people think they can enjoy work and life more.


Despite the relatively high usage rate of hearing aids in developed countries, TruHearing research shows that many employees in the United States will also hesitate to test hearing aids for fear of embarrassment.


Great-Ears is well aware of the psychological barriers when wearing hearing aids, so it has been working on innovative design and appearance beautification for many years to bring you more sophisticated and avant-garde fashion hearing aids.

Post time: 二-20-2023