How does it feel to wear hearing aids


The Research shows that there is average 7 to 10 years from the time people notice hearing loss to the time they seek intervention, and during that long time people tolerate much because of hearing loss. If you or a family member are hesitant about getting a hearing aid, you might get some encouragement from the true feelings of below users.


"He wont have any respond before when I calling him.But now he will look back at me even two or three meters away. He finally learned to call dad, mom!"


---From a mother 


Normally, a baby will begin to turn his or her head to find the source of the sound at six months. He or she will show a strong interest in more sounds when gets older and associate things with sounds. Infants and young children with hearing loss are unable or only partially able to hear sounds, which can seriously affect the children's ability to learn language and explore the world. Hearing aids can help most children with hearing loss to listen to sound normally, it is very important to cultivate the baby's ability of listening and speaking.


"I was almost never answer the phone because I couldn't hear clear. Now the Bluetooth sound goes straight to my ears, loud and clear. And also I don't have to worry about online classes."


---From a student


Modern social networking is no longer just face to face, online communication is more convenient and fast. Missed answer, mishear, miscommunication, let the family and friends on the other end of the phone "anxious". Bluetooth direct connection function can directly transmit the sound of telephone, video to the hearing aid, greatly improving the clarity of the audio stream, convenient for online communication, meeting, learning.



"During the meeting, I pretended to hear what I didn't hear, which make me feel tired. Now it is easy to hear and I will never be worried about things going  wrong at work."

---From a office staff





Most hearing loss progresses slowly, and you begin to realize the extent of the problem when you can't hear conversations well, affecting your work or social life. Some people with hearing loss gradually retreat in the corner because they can not hear clearly and are afraid of embarrassment. Or try to listen, but find that listening is difficult, easy to fatigue. Over time, it affects the social life seriously .

Hearing aids can compensate for the loss of hearing at all frequencies,help people to hear the voices that have not been heard for many years, and feel the beauty of life.



"You're too embarrassed to participate people because you can't hear them clear when Outside.The kids in the family don't want to talk much because it's too hard to talk with you. Now I have hearing aids, I get together with my friends, I talk to my kids after work, and I have fun every day."

---From an old man


Social life is also important for older adults, and hearing loss can lead to reduced communication with others, which increases the risk of loneliness, depression, and even falls and dementia. Hearing AIDS can make the elderly normal participate in party, the pursuit of hobbies, improve the quality of life in old age, has a positive effect on the overall physical and mental health.

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Post time: 二-02-2023