How to choose hearing aids


Do you feel at a loss when you see so many different types and shapes of hearing aids, and don’t know what to choose? Most people’s first choice is the more hidden hearing aids. Are they really right for you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of different hearing aids? After reading this popular science analysis, you will know all!


Receiver in the ear canal hearing aids
1. The device is hung behind the ear, small size, very popular
2. The receiver is placed in the ear canal
3. It is more comfortable to wear and less ear clogging
4. Can provide advanced connection and audio processing technology
5. Easy maintenance and personalized Settings
Suitable for: mild, moderate or severe hearing loss
Obvious or not: Relatively unnoticeable


Behind the ear hearing aids
1. The device is hung outside the ear, convenient for the elderly and children to use
2. You can choose from a variety of sizes
3. It tends to last longer and the battery lasts longer
4. It covers a wide range of hearing and is a powerful hearing aid
5. Can perform well in noisy environments
Suitable for people: Suitable for any degree of hearing loss
Obvious or not: More noticeable


In the ear hearing aids
1. Hearing aids that fit perfectly inside the ear and are comfortable to wear
2. Shape is larger than ITC hearing aids
3. Wear is not affected by masks and glasses
4. It can provide many advanced functions
5. Work better in a quiet environment
Suitable for: mild, moderate hearing loss
Obvious or not: relatively unnoticeable


In the canal hearing aids
1. Hearing aids that fit directly into the ear canal
2. Smaller than ITE, may be more difficult to control
3. More options and advanced features
4. It does not affect wearing glasses and masks
5. Suitable for a less active lifestyle and clique environment
Suitable for: mild, moderate hearing loss
Obvious or not: unnoticeable



Post time: 三-20-2023