Why does hearing loss favor men?


You know what? Men are more likely to suffer from hearing loss than women, despite having the same ear anatomy. According to the Global Epidemiology of Hearing Loss survey, about 56% of men and 44% of women suffer from hearing loss. Data from a US Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that hearing loss is twice as common among men as women in the 20-69 age group.


Why does hearing loss favor men? The jury is still out. But most agreed that the difference could be due to differences in careers and lifestyles between men and women. At work and at home, men are more likely to engage in noisy environments.


The work environment is a big factor in this difference. Jobs in noisy environments are usually performed by men, such as construction, maintenance, decoration, flying, lathe machinery, etc., and these jobs are in environments that have been exposed to noise for a long time. Men were also more likely to engage in outdoor activities in high-noise environments, such as hunting or shooting.


Whatever the reason, it's important for men to take hearing loss seriously. A growing body of research shows that hearing loss is associated with significant quality-of-life problems, including decreased cognitive function, increased frequency of hospital visits, increased risk of depression, falls, social isolation, and dementia.


It is worth mentioning that more and more men have begun to take hearing loss seriously. The appearance of hearing aids is increasingly fashionable and highly technological, and their functions are also rich and diverse, eliminating people's long-standing stereotype of hearing aids. The first week you wear a hearing aid may not feel used to it, but soon, the wonderful sound quality of the hearing aid will eliminate all negative perceptions.

If you notice that you or a man in your life may have hearing loss, please visit a hearing center as soon as possible. Wear hearing aids, start a more exciting life.


Post time: 三-25-2023